Lose weight and feel great with AdvoCare, I tried it and I loved it.
I admit that I hate diets. I have very little will power and I love chocolate and pasta. It is as if I go into survival mode when I hear the word diet; eating as much pasta or sweets that I can before I start that 'diet'. Then I tell myself that I will start "on Monday". Then I never do.
While enjoying a plate of nachos at my favorite Mexican restaurant with friends; one of my friends mentioned that she was starting to use AdvoCare and I immediately became skeptical and thought that it is just another fad diet. A couple of months passed and I continued to play the "I'll start on Monday after I devour this bag of Oreos" game. When I saw that friend and noticed that she had not just lost weight but she completely changed her body image! I was blown away by the change. I asked her how she lost so much weight and she reminded me that she had told me all about AdvoCare and the benefits while I was munching down on my chips and salsa. I decided to give it a try. I had all the evidence I needed - she went from a size 10 to a size 6 in 3 months!
I didn't completely commit on the first go round. I ordered the 10 day Herbal Cleanse and a box of Spark. I really love the Spark; it gives you so much energy and it doesn't have a bad after taste. The Herbal Cleanse was a little different but I ordered the Peaches and Cream flavor and it wasn't bad - wasn't great but definitely do-able. I noticed only after a few days that my waist was smaller. After the 10 days of the Herbal Cleanse I had lost 7 pounds.
I waited a few weeks and then decided to try the full 24 day challenge which consisted of doing the Herbal Cleanse again but with a full range of vitamins and dietary supplements. I lost an additional 12 pounds on the 24 day challenge. Could have done so much better but as I mentioned before I have very little will power and I could have exercised more (Spark provides the energy for that). The best part was that chocolate was still a part of my day in the form of meal replacement shakes that taste amazing. All in all, I am so glad I have found AdvoCare and love how much better I feel. I don't fill myself with processed foods, my kids are eating better as a result since I am introducing them to healthier alternatives versus fried fast food.
If you would like to enjoy the benefits of AdvoCare, visit my website to place an order https://www.advocare.com/130217731

If you would like to enjoy the benefits of AdvoCare, visit my website to place an order https://www.advocare.com/130217731